Sea Aire Assisted Living
Stroll through the halls of Sea Aire Assisted Living in Yachats and everyone seems to be smiling. Hugs are a common occurrence – the residents seem to love the caregivers and the feeling is apparently mutual.
The spotless 44-room residential facility provides housing, meals and housekeeping for up to 50 elderly residents. A staff nurse oversees medical needs and a physician’s assistant visits regularly. Residents rave about the food and their families tend to extend their visits to include a meal. Sea Aire’s social calendar is always filled with a wide array of activities including baking, shopping, movies, trivia, cards, crafts, scenic drives and parties.
With so much to offer it’s not surprising that Sea Aire Assisted Living’s occupancy rate typically exceeds 95 percent. Some of Sea Aire’s residents have lived in Lincoln County for years; others come from all areas of the country, typically to reside near family members. Most residents like it so much they choose to stay for the restof the lives. Naturally as they grow older, they may require additional care. “We consider all of our residents part of our family and Sea Aire is their home as long as we can meet their needs, and keep them healthy and happy as possible,” explains Kathy Meyer, the facility’s administrator.
Spend a few hours visiting Sea Aire and it’s apparent that this is the way that assisted living facilities are supposed to be. What makes Sea Aire so friendly and inviting compared to more institutionalized facilities? Residents credit Sea Aire’s owners – Gordon and Shirley Flaming. While caring for the needs of their own elderly parents, Gordon and Shirley began studying assisted living facilities. Before building Sea Aire, they observed that well run family-owned assisted living centers were superior to corporate-owned chain facilities because decisions were based on what was best for residents, and not simply determined by profitability. Watching Gordon and Shirley interact with Sea Aire’s residents, it’s obvious they do care. It’s also obvious that their 33-person staff shares the same values.
About two years ago, Gordon and Shirley first talked to Oregon Coast Bank about refinancing a business loan they had at another bank. Oregon Coast Bank quickly agreed and the Flamings were so impressed with the personalized service that they decided to move their business account also. “It’s been a great relationship,” explains Gordon. “We really like Lynn (Manager of Oregon Coast Bank’s Waldport office) and her staff; she even comes out and visits us at Sea Aire.”
Having an exceptionally well-managed assisted living facility is a tremendous asset for our South Lincoln County communities. We’d like to salute Gordon and Shirley for enhancing the lives of so many seniors and we’re proud that they’ve chosen us as their bankers.
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